The birth of a child should be a joyous occasion, but for many parents, it becomes a harrowing experience when their newborn is admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Unfortunately, medical errors and medical malpractice during labor and delivery can injure babies requiring NICU care.
The Alarming Statistics
Birth injuries affect approximately 1 in every 1,000 deliveries in the United States, resulting in about 28,000 injured babies annually.
Many of these injuries, including traumatic births and newborn complications, are potentially preventable.
The most common reasons for NICU admissions are prematurity, respiratory distress syndrome, and sepsis or infection.
Medical errors can occur at various stages: during prenatal care, labor and delivery, or even within the NICU itself.

NICU Parents, Be Vigilant
If something about your baby’s delivery or NICU stay doesn’t feel right, don’t hesitate to seek answers. Medical professionals may be busy and overwhelmed, but you deserve clear communication and transparency about your baby’s health. If you’re not getting the answers you need, our doctor/lawyer team can help.
Understanding NICU Injuries
A baby’s admission to the NICU can be due to various reasons, some unavoidable and some potentially caused by medical negligence.
Prenatal and Labor and Delivery Errors
Failure to detect or monitor fetal distress: This can lead to oxygen deprivation (birth asphyxia) and brain injuries like hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) or neonatal encephalopathy (NE).
Heart rate monitoring errors: Misinterpretation of fetal heart rate can result in serious complications, including cerebral palsy.
Failure to diagnose birth complications: Issues like macrosomia (large baby) or breech presentation can lead to birth injuries if not properly managed.
Delayed or mismanaged C-sections: Delays in performing necessary C-sections can have devastating consequences, including brain damage.
Medication errors: Incorrect medication or dosage can harm both mother and baby.
Infection: Untreated infections during pregnancy or labor can lead to serious complications for the baby, including meningitis and encephalitis.
Delivery injuries: Errors during delivery, such as improper use of forceps or vacuum extraction, can cause nerve damage (Erb’s palsy), spinal cord injuries, or brain damage.
NICU Errors
Even in the NICU, errors can occur, leading to further complications for newborns. These errors can include:
Oxygen-related issues: Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) or improper oxygen administration can lead to brain injury.
Infections: Hospital-acquired infections can be life-threatening for vulnerable newborns.
Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis: Failure to diagnose and treat conditions in a timely manner can worsen outcomes.
Medication errors: Incorrect medication or dosage can have serious consequences for newborns.
Equipment malfunctions: Errors with ventilators, monitors, or other equipment can be catastrophic.
Long-Term Consequences include:
Physical disabilities: Cerebral palsy, developmental delays, and other physical impairments may require ongoing therapy and medical care.
Cognitive impairments: Brain injuries can impact learning, memory, and other cognitive functions.
Emotional and behavioral challenges: Children with NICU injuries may experience anxiety, depression, or behavioral issues.
Financial strain: The cost of medical care, therapy, and special education can be overwhelming for families.
Seeking Justice and Compensation
If you suspect your baby’s NICU admission or injuries were caused by medical negligence, you have the right to seek legal recourse. The Killino Firm has a proven track record of helping NICU babies and their families affected by NICU injuries. We work with medical experts to thoroughly investigate your case and determine if negligence occurred. We’ll fight tirelessly to hold negligent parties accountable and secure your family’s compensation to cover medical expenses, therapy, lost wages, and other damages.
Take Action Today
During these uncertain times, you need answers, and your baby needs protection. Our doctor/lawyer team offers a free and confidential review of your medical records to help you understand what happened and determine if you have a case. Contact us today for a free consultation.
Remember, you’re not alone. We’re here to help you navigate this difficult journey and fight for your baby’s future.