Making the Case to Protect Children From Harmful Chemicals in Toys
Washington, DC: – Recent House Energy Commerce Committee hearings featured testimony from those in the scientific community with regard to the toxicity of children’s toys containing phthalates, a class of industrial chemicals commonly found in many of the toys, and child care products marketed to children and their parents. It has been reported that phthalates […]
Toxic Chemical Leak Sent Workers to Hospital
Pasadena, TX – An April 24, 2008 toxic chemical leak at a Pasadena plant injured no less than 30 employees and sent at least 18 to the hospital. Some were required to spend the night in the hospital after the exposure. No one is sure exactly what caused the toxic gas called silicon tetrafluoride to […]
Old Naval Ship Toxic: EPA Sues
Baltimore, MD – The owner of an old naval ship has been sued by the EPA to keep the ship within the United States in order to clean up the decaying ship that is parked within Baltimore’s harbor to be cleaned up there. This comes after a report showing that the ship contains a level […]